Speech Therapy
We provide comprehensive speech and language assessments, individual and small group therapy. Parents or caregivers are encouraged to observe the sessions to increase the likelihood of carryover into the home setting. Parents are given homework assignments that allow for more rapid progress between therapy sessions. Our therapists have experience with play-based and behavioral therapy styles. The type of style used in therapy varies on the needs of your child. All therapists work to determine your child’s interests while building a rapport with your child and then work your child’s goals into their individual interests.
Small group therapy is recommended when your child has communication needs that are best met with a peer. Small group sessions generally focus on pragmatic and social skills facilitated in a group of 2-4 kids. We do our best to match your child’s abilities to those of another child. Some children receive a combination of individual and small group therapy.
Our Speech Therapists have extensive experience and training with:​
Working with children who have apraxia, autism, language delays and cognitive delays
Training in applied behavior analysis and techniques that may be applied in individual therapy systems.
Teaching early learners to communicate with words, signs and PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System)
Working with children with a variety of augmentative devices and various communication apps
Working with children who have behavior challenges as a result of poor communication systems